An unusual year
Laguna Flutes began performing in Fall 2013 under the direction of Cynthia Ellis. This group has been part of the musical community of Southern California, affiliated with the Laguna Beach Concert Band for many years prior to her leadership as well as with Orange County Music and Dance during their history.
flute, orange county music, orange county flute, Cindy Ellis, Laguna Flutes, Segerstrom,
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An unusual year

What an unusual year it has been musically! For Laguna Flutes, we have postponed all of our spring events due to the unprecedented Covid-19 situation. The NFA convention has been canceled this yearā€¦.but we are super excited to perform in Washington, DC, next year for the annual convention. 

Iā€™ve tried to maintain contact with our group by having zoom ā€˜Flutey-Hoursā€™ just to get together and chatā€¦sort of like Happy Hour but we talk about all things flute. ANDā€¦just finished a massive project of sorting, alphabetizing, and cataloging the music libraryā€¦all 300 titlesā€¦and made an Excel spreadsheet to make music searches a breeze and bring them into the 21st century!
Iā€™m hopeful that we will be making music together later in the summer together. Stay tunedā€¦.