Re-Boot for Laguna Flutes – August 23, 2021
Laguna Flutes began performing in Fall 2013 under the direction of Cynthia Ellis. This group has been part of the musical community of Southern California, affiliated with the Laguna Beach Concert Band for many years prior to her leadership as well as with Orange County Music and Dance during their history.
flute, orange county music, orange county flute, Cindy Ellis, Laguna Flutes, Segerstrom,
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Re-Boot for Laguna Flutes – August 23, 2021

As I sit here writing to you, I am FINALLY realizing that all the waiting and wondering is nearly over. We are just about ready to start back as a musical ensemble.


The insurance company has been contacted and we have liability insuranceā€¦Our new church home has been unbelievably gracious about facility usageā€¦I have the key! I am working on website updates. We have a vaccine policy that will shadow the requirements of professional orchestras (Thank you Pacific Symphony for all the work to keep us safe on stage and allowing me to piggy back from your work with UCI public health department). Music is being pulled. New Christmas music has arrived. Iā€™m listening to brand new pieces from the NFA convention. I am SO happy I made those Excel sheets of library inventory last year: Itā€™s easier than ever to locate music now as I know exactly where it is. Iā€™m making folders for sight reading. We are hosting zoom workshops to anticipate our return to live rehearsal.


These are the ā€˜nuts and boltsā€™ of our re-boot: All the necessary things to run an ensemble are re-emerging from the pause of 2020.


What REALLY excites me the most however, is the concept that my musicians are COMING TOGETHER to make live music for the first time in 18 months. There is a powerful need to express ourselves through music and I canā€™t believe how lucky and blessed I am to facilitate this group of flutists.


For the first time ever, we will host THREE GENERATIONS OF FLUTISTS FROM THE SAME FAMILY. How about that? New friends are joiningā€¦we bid a fond farewell to some old friends who have moved away. We await the return of some members as they build their confidence returning to the musical world. Decisions are personalā€¦.


Itā€™s going to be an emotional experience for me. It might sound rawā€¦who cares! Itā€™s going to be magical and itā€™s going to be very special. We will connect in a very powerful wayā€¦.We will be making music TOGETHER. What could be better?